Category Archives: Presto – Cutting a Woman in Half

These posts chronicle my journey from 320 pounds to my goal of 140 pounds (I’m 5 foot 2). A little bit more than half. It’s not a straight shot, and it’s filled with emotional twists and hormonal turns. The main reason why I started that blog was because many people think I can easily live 100% because my kitchen is so well organized. Making the raw-food lifestyle work requires a lot more than recipes. But for the people that I serve, going and staying raw takes alignment of the emotions.

Remembering What I Really Want

So I went on my work-trip to Los Angeles and I carried raw food with me in the form of dried black botija olives and goji berries (intending to eat salads to supplement). And then I ate cooked food, the first that was offered to me. My client’s husband offered Korean food and I caved. […]

Raising my bottom

I’m likening going back all raw to an addict giving up their fix. Usually a person has to hit bottom before they are ready to make change. Knowing your bottom is important. Recognizing when you’ve reached it usually involves some kind of pain or catastrophe. I decided that my swollen discolored left leg and foot […]

Fighting for My Life Again

I’m going raw again. My lower left leg and left foot are swollen. The skin on my leg is darkening, thickening and becoming scaly. I’ve seen this in older men who have diabetes. Do I want to go to a doctor and have them tell me that I’m diabetic? NO!!! I don’t want pharmaceuticals to […]

Wow – I’m back at it again

I’ve just completed the beginning of my Transformational Series.  July’s newsletter is done.  While I was working on it, inviting people to join me in the transformational series, I mentioned that I was on the journey too.  I wanted to lose the 60 lbs I’ve put on since my hysterectomy in 2010.  My first thought […]