Category Archives: Presto – Cutting a Woman in Half

These posts chronicle my journey from 320 pounds to my goal of 140 pounds (I’m 5 foot 2). A little bit more than half. It’s not a straight shot, and it’s filled with emotional twists and hormonal turns. The main reason why I started that blog was because many people think I can easily live 100% because my kitchen is so well organized. Making the raw-food lifestyle work requires a lot more than recipes. But for the people that I serve, going and staying raw takes alignment of the emotions.

Heading in the Direction of Balance

I picked up a friend at the airport tonight.  He was hungry and wanted pasta. So I took him to a local beloved Italian Restaurante, Lido’s. I was hungry too. And I really wanted something other than what I’d been having everyday which was a slightly sweet green smoothie or energy soup. He ordered lasagna […]

Getting Used to Nothing

I completed my 28-day commitment to my exercise program on Sunday, the same day that I completed 4 weeks of a 100% raw diet. I lost 15 pounds. But the most important benefit was the trust that I gained in myself and my word. The second most benefit was that I re-introduced movement into my […]

Feeling Strong and Solid

This was Day 26 of my 28-consecutive-day commitment to do a special set of exercises. Doing my exercises this morning, for the first time I felt like my mind and body really clicked and worked together. Many times I’ve just gone through the motions and my mind was elsewhere and I would realize that I […]

Transcendence via Sauerkraut Juice?

I broke my apple juice fast yesterday. It was heaven to have something savory and slightly tart – almost orgasmic. After 7 days of apple juice almost anything with salt would have sent me into raptures. But sauerkraut juice brought so much more to the table than just salt. It was seductive – whispering to […]

In the Zone

I’m finally in the place where food isn’t important. It happened yesterday. I’m not sure if it was a low-level depression, or just tired, or detoxification taking hold of me. But I didn’t care about eating. In this place, I know that I can go the distance of the 30-day juice cleanse. It’s strange to […]